Energy saving methods for houses during social isolation
Prof. Dr. Serkan Abbasoğlu, Vice-Rector of Cyprus International University (CIU) and Director of Sustainable Energy Research Center stated that people spend a lot of time in their homes due to the partial curfew during the day and the curfew at night, as a precaution for the coronavirus epidemic, and gave information about the methods that can save energy through small precautions taken at home.

Although there is a decrease in the total energy consumption due to the closed business areas, the increase in the expenditures in the residences is an expected outcome.
Drawing attention to the fact that electricity bills can be reduced with simple measures taken at this point, Abbasoğlu summarized these measures as follows;
-Reducing electricity consumption for lighting by using daylight as much as possible,
-Switching off unused lights as a measure to save around 10%,
-To save around 15%, cooking in the oven for 30 minutes and cooking in its own heat for
-5 minutes instead of 35 minutes of oven cooking;
- All electronic devices that are not used should be shut down completely, not as stand-by.
-Drying the laundry in the outer area, as long as the solar heat and wind are suitable,
-Washing the laundry in short programs in the washing machine,
-Regular cleaning of air conditioning filters,
-Disconnecting the charged phones and laptops from the power plug,
-Using electricity at night when the tariff is low,
-Use of hot water heated by solar panels during hot hours,
-Keeping solar panels and water heating collectors clean.
Prof. Dr. Abbasoğlu drew attention to the fact that economic conditions will become more severe in this process, and that these simple measures can contribute to the home budget.
Emphasizing the importance of staying at home to end this difficult process as soon as possible and referring to our ability to protect our health in this way, Abbasoğlu wished healthy days to the whole society.