Economics and Administrative Sciences

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the World Continues to Grow

Despite all the risks, entrepreneurship bears more possibilities than ever before

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences faculty member Prof. Dr. Tarık Atan, speaking on the occasion of March 1 World Entrepreneurship Day, said that entrepreneurship has become a concept that is frequently mentioned by everyone but there are serious fears this concept is not understood properly and thoroughly.

Prof. Dr. Atan said, “Entrepreneurs were the ones who opened more that 80% of the operating workplaces, more than 50% of the private sector employees and more than 90% of the new businesses were opened by entrepreneurs. Despite all its risks, entrepreneurship currently  contains more possibilities compared to the past.”

In his statement, Prof. Atan mentioned  the most valuable businesses in the world today, naming the companies that make the greatest  economic contribution to their own countries and create the greatest welfare for the people of these countries. Google, Microsoft, Facebook were all created not very long  time ago in the garages of the houses where the creators lived. These companies were creatio ex nihilo, so to speak.

Stating that the only defense mechanism the founders trusted during the establishment of these companies  were their creativity and innovation capacity, Atan concluded by saying, “Actually, entrepreneurship means creativity and innovation.”

Atan noted the importance of each new venture thinking of a new product, a new service or a different production method because it would be very difficult to copycat an existing venture  or to contest the financial resources of the existing giant corporations.

Atan reiterated the fact that it has always been very difficult to start out  with innovations and has carried a lot of risks. Creating an ecosystem that would be suitable for assisting and supporting entrepreneurs is an indispensable task for all policy makers in an environment with such great risks.

The countries that realize this fact will be the successful countries of the future, and  peoples of these countries will be the ones living in prosperity.

In conclusion, Prof. Dr. Atan drew attention to internet technologies and to the speed of change; the internet is a great opportunity for those who are just indulging into entrepreneurship. The New World is the world of Metaverses, Blockchains.  It suffices to have a computer, a keyboard and internet connection for a new venture.