Health Sciences

Finding organ donors is a worldwide health issue

Chair of the Department of Nursing and Director of the School of Health Sciences of Cyprus International University (CIU) Prof. Dr. Hatice Sütçü pointed out the difficulties of organ transplant for individuals suffering from diseases that can be treated with organ and tissue transplant. She stated that finding donors in this context is an important health problem in the TRNC as well as all over the world.

Prof. Dr. Sütçü  drew attention to the importance of organ transplant in human life. Sütçü stated that organ transplant is the process of transplanting a healthy organ that is taken from a living donor or cadaver to replace an organ that cannot perform its function in the body.

Dr. Sütçü  reminded that the person should document his/her consent explicitly while s/he is still alive the removal of his/her tissues and organs for the treatment of other patients but only when the donor has been declared dead; Sütçü also said that organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placing it into another person.

Prof. Dr. Sütçü also reminded that every year on November 3rd-9th, awareness-raising events are held during "Organ and Tissue Donation Week." An organ and tissue donor  can help with more than  60 grafts and tissues.

Sütçü stated that in 2014, he prepared the legal basis within the framework of the "Law Regulating the Rules Regarding Human Cells, Tissues and Organ Transplantation".  Sütçü also mentioned that individuals who want to donate their organs or tissues can easily become a donor by filling out a form on the TRNC Ministry of Health web page.

Prof. Dr. Sütçü explained  that there are 239 patients with chronic kidney failure receiving hemodialysis treatment in the TRNC, and that there are many patients in the country waiting for organ donation, and close to a hundred patients who are compatible for kidney transplant provided  suitable donors are available. She concluded by saying “However, there are not enough donors. It is important to increase awareness raising campaigns on this issue.”