
Flu effects an important number of individuals within society

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences Academic Staff, Assist. Prof. Dr.Nurcan Bilgiç, stating that with the cooling down of the weather, there will again be an increase in flu infections, went on to warn, “Influenza can easily be spread from the ill person to other people during the winter season, as we spend more time in closed areas during this period”.

Advising that the seasonal flu is an acute respiratory tract infection, which is caused by influenza viruses circulating the world, Bilgiç stated that it is a serious illness that can result in hospitalization and that individuals with risk factors (pregnant, children under 5 years of age, individuals over 65 years of age, heart, lung, kidney, liver, metabolic or hematological chronic diseases, individuals with immunodeficiency) experience the illness severely, and from time-to-time, it can result in death.

Explaining that the flu affects an important number of people within society and that it is prevalent during different time periods in every country, Assist. Prof. Dr. Bilgiç continued, “Everyone can contract the flu illness, including healthy individuals. Most people who contract the illness get better within a week, without the need for any medical intervention”.

Speaking in relation to the flu being contagious, Bilgiç informed that the illness spreads when tiny droplets that carry the virus spreads to other people that are within a 1-meter radius, by entering their mouth, nose, and eye mucous, when the individual that has the flu speaks, coughs, and sneezes.

Reminding that during the flu season, one must refrain as much as possible from being in crowded and closed areas, Bilgiç went on to say, “Try not to be in contact with anyone that is ill, try to not hug or handshake with anyone, hands should be washed frequently, and we should be careful of the personal hygiene rules”.

Sharing the information that there are many subtypes of the active agents of the seasonal flu disease; the influenza viruses, Bilgiç noted that the very common in society influenza viruses are constantly changing, and continued to say, “The World Health Organization each year emphasizes that the best protection against the flu is the vaccine. Therefore, it is advised that the entire society and especially those in risk groups have their vaccines done before or during the flu season.

Bilgiç concluded by stating that as with the COVID-19 pandemic process, the mask, distancing, and hygiene rules will also be effective in protecting us from an illness during the flu season.