
Gastronomy students help their stray furry friends

Within the scope of social responsibility activities, a charity bazaar was organized by the Gastronomy Club that is responsible toward the Social Activities and Student Clubs Office affiliated to Student Development and Counseling Center (SDCC) of Cyprus International University (CIU), 

Gastronomy Club Academic Advisor İbrahim Kızıltaç stated that all the proceeds of the bazaar that they have organized with the students will be donated to the Golden Paws Association which was established to help the stray animals in need of care.

Expressing that they want to instill a sensitive business discipline in the food and beverage sector to the students of the Gastronomy Department, Kızıltaç said, “We also want our students to go to zero waste, i.e., without discarding any product during and after production. We are raising their awareness in this direction.” 

Kızıltaç emphasized the  significance of  reinforcing responsibilities of students within the framework of social and ethical values with such activities that also help them gain experience, and added that such activities will make them get one step ahead in their careers.

Kızıltaç also said that such activities are done without expectation of any compensation, contribute to both human relations and the increase of communication skills of students, and said, "This way, students get the opportunity to enrich their social environment."

Finally, Kızıltaç stated that they will continue to organize similar activities and said, "The students' desire to increase  these activities have shown us that the goals that have been set are accomplished."