Fine Arts

Good Interior Design makes the client feel content

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Vice Dean and Chair of  the Department of Interior Architecture, Prof. Dr. Sevinç Kurt stated that interior design plays a decisive role in the process of  making the individual feel well and happy, and stated that in this context, especially in recent years, the interior space has evolved into a structure beyond the concept of a home and will serve different functions such as office space, a classroom, and even space for socializing. 

Expressing that the interior architects  will attach more importance in the future to sustainable approaches with their "Slow Living" philosophy, Kurt noted that initiatives that will strengthen people's ties with nature, which is a component of interior design, will increase.

Prof. Dr. Kurt stated that the interior design discipline, an indispensable requirement of modern life, cares about the society and the individual in the context of awareness of climate change and decrease in natural resources, respects the next generations, values long-term use and reinterprets concrete and abstract meanings. 

Interior architecture has a very important effect on human behavior, actions and the way they feel. Kurt said that interior architecture, in this context, helps increase the quality of life in the society. 

Prof. Dr. Kurt stated that good interior design can inspire trust, empathy, pride, creativity, security and enthusiasm, and also meet the spatial requirements adding, "Interior architecture evokes happiness and calms the soul."

The theme of this year's IFI World Interiors Day is “Pride of the Past, An Incentive for the Future.”  To conclude, Kurt celebrated the IFI World Interiors Day (IFI WID) of the designers who create comfortable and high-quality interiors and of all humanity.