Health Sciences

Healthy diet is a must to reduce the risks

Acting Chair of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of Cyprus International University, and President  of the Cyprus Turkish  Dietetic Association Dietician Dr. Ayşe Okan explained that based on the data collected one out of every 8 women will get breast cancer and hence it is very crucial to lower the risks of getting breast cancer. 

Dr. Okan emphasized the significance of healthy diet which could reduce the risks of getting breast cancer. 

Okan said the American Cancer Research Institute published a list of food items that could help prevent getting breast cancer and that consumption of olive oil stood out among all the others. 

Since Cyprus is a Mediterranean country,  Mediterranean-type diet is prevalent on the island. Therefore, "While we grow our own olives and produce our own olive oil, nature actually gives us an opportunity to protect our health."

Okan emphasized that olive oil has a protective effect against breast cancer, especially if it is consumed raw, and consuming 10-15 gr. of olive oil daily is sufficient.

Dr. Okan also advised that olive oil should not be used in cooking, and should be kept in a dark place away from light  and be tightly sealed. 

Based on research conducted on Vitamin D deficiency, it was found that this situation could crate risks of breast cancer.   She stated that breast cancer risk 80% lower in  individuals with Vitamin D  levels between 60-80 ng / mL. 

Ayşe Okan said that it is important to expose the  skin to sunrays for about 15 minutes a day in order to increase/protect vitamin D levels, and noted that oily seafood, nuts and whole boiled eggs should be consumed on a regular basis. 

Sharing the knowledge that adequate, balanced, varied and colorful nutrition is sufficient to prevent cancer, Okan said, “It is also important to use reliable food and healthy cooking methods. Making healthy food accessible is a duty of the state, and nutrition policies need to be created and implemented quickly." 

Dr. Okan said that in order to provide healthy food choices for oncology patients and to increase the quality of life of these patients, individuals should receive counseling from oncology dietitians. It should not be forgotten that a healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms.