Health Sciences

Healthy Life Center opens at CIU

Cyprus International University (CIU) Healthy Life Center (HLC) has started rendering its services with its expert staff. 

CIU Healthcare Operations Coordinator and Faculty of Health Sciences Lecturer Ahmet Cenk Dikmen gave some valuable information about the Center and stated that CIU Healthy Life Center will primarily serve CIU students, academic and administrative staff, and then contracted institutions and organizations. 

Dikmen drew attention to the fact that three units actively provide health services within the the center and these are namely the “Nutrition and Dietetics unit, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation unit, and Rehabilitation unit.”

CIU Healthcare Operations Coordinator Dikmen stated that one of the most important goals of the center is to ensure up-to-date, evidence-based information is used in health services and said, “The staff serving at the center are also the academic staff of our university. Our experts are both up-to-date knowledge wise, and clinically experienced. For this reason, the aim of the center is to protect not only the health of the individual and the society but also to deliver the right treatment offered by experts in the field.”

Pointing out that CIU HLC will not only provide health services, Dikmen said, "The Center will also provide senior year students in the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department as well as the Nutrition and Dietetics Departments with the opportunity to establish one on one contact with patients, to diagnose and evaluate their problems and also to be able to treat the them."

Dikmen  said that the most important aim of CIU HLC is to deliver quality health services within the scope of the Center  to people employing the fastest and most accurate treatments, and added that he believes they will close the gap in healthcare services especially in their region.