Healthy nutrition during COVID-19
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağ, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Cyprus International University stated that COVID-19 is an important public health threat, and that the food to be purchased during this period must be nutritious, durable and should have a long shelf life.

Dağ recommended that it is highly important that the food to be preferred to survive in this period should be rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in terms of balanced nutrition.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Dağ pointed out that the daily consumption of sufficient vegetables and fruits should be provided every day at every meal “according to the Healthy Food Platter, one-quarter of the plate is made of vegetables, the other quarter is made from whole grain products and the remaining half consists of three pieces of fruits, high protein foods (legumes, meat, eggs, fish, chicken, oilseeds, etc.) as well as dairy products (milk, yogurt, buttermilk, cheese, etc.)".
Ensuring to consume sufficient water (1.5-2.0 liters) and using olive oil in meals would be beneficial at this time.
It was mentioned by Asst. Prof. Dr. Dağ that the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits should be at least 5 portions; 2 portions of vegetables and 3 portions of fruits: “This distribution is important for strengthening the immune system. The consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C should be increased and lemon should be added to meals and salads”.
In addition to consuming eggs, cheese, red meat, and poultry, which is beneficial because they are rich in high-quality animal protein, fish should also be consumed at least twice a week, said Dağ.
It was underlined that dry legumes are another source of protein with high nutritional value; and green and red lentils, chickpeas, varieties of bean, kidney beans, etc. can be consumed every day.
Stating that there is no need for an additional vitamin and mineral supplement in cases where adequate and balanced nutrition is provided, vitamin and mineral supplements may be an alternative in those who cannot eat adequate and balanced nutrition.