The importance of anesthesia in surgery
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean, Asst. Prof. Dr. Cem Dikmen, gave information about the anesthesia profession on the occasion of "World Anesthesia Day", and drew attention to the importance of anesthesia for patients.

Dikmen reminded that John Collins Waren used ether in the United States on October 16, 1846, as the first anesthesia test in the world, so in consequence of the aforementioned practice, every year October 16 is celebrated as "World Anesthesia Day".
Asst. Prof. Dr. Dikmen stated that the anesthesia practice is performed by doctors who have been trained in anesthesia and reanimation during medical education. He also emphasized that the anesthesia technician who is trained to assist anesthesiologists throughout the operation is a very important part of the anesthesia team.
"Anesthesia eliminates pain and provides comfort to the patient during surgery"
It was expressed by Dikmen that temporary loss of consciousness and decrease in reflex activities without any change in vital functions is called general anesthesia; “General anesthesia prevents the patient's awareness during surgery by causing loss of consciousness, providing a comfort to the patient during surgery by eliminating pain, and suppressing reflex activity and muscle relaxation making surgical interventions easier,” he said.
Dikmen stated that the purpose of general anesthesia with these effects is to provide appropriate surgical conditions, and went on to say, “Anesthesiologists also have to maintain the health and safety of the patient during the operation”.
Stating that the success of surgical treatment is made possible with the cooperation of anesthesia and surgical teams with a multidisciplinary approach, Dikmen also noted that monitoring vital functions such as breathing and circulation, and immediate emergency intervention is also under the control of anesthesiologist.
Dikmen pointed out that this year, all healthcare workers are operating under difficult conditions due to the pandemic, and celebrated the "World Anesthesia Day" of the anesthesiologists and technicians who are a part of this area of workers.