The importance of Disaster Education Training day
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education Computer and Instructional Technologies Department Chair, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolgay Karanfiller, spoke as part of the 12th November Disaster Education Preparation Day, stating that disasters are natural, technological and human-induced events that cause physical, material and social losses among people, disrupt daily work, interrupt the work of individuals and affect societies.

Stating that disasters can be defined as unexpected, unwanted natural disasters, Karanfiller said, "An event that is too big to overcome with the existing possibilities is described as a disaster."
Individuals gain awareness and sensitivity against disasters through education
Providing information about the purpose of Disaster Education Preparation Day, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karanfiller stated that it is one of the most important needs of countries on the way to civilization, and the reason why countries see education as a big need is because education facilitates, improves and enriches human and social life, making people and society happy. Stating that thanks to education, individuals living in societies have gained awareness of the disasters that occur in the world, Karanfiller also stated that individuals' more creative and rational thinking skills have developed with education.
Karanfiller noted that it is important to educate and raise awareness of all individuals making up a society, in order to raise the awareness of the society against natural disasters in the world, to minimize material and moral losses as a result of these disasters, and to reduce the impact of natural disasters.
Pointing out the importance of providing enlightening information by schools, vocational education institutions and public education centers providing formal and non-formal education about the measures to be taken in order to reduce the negative effects that occur as a result of disasters, or to prevent the occurrence of disasters, Karanfiller added that training and exercises for pre-school, primary, secondary, high school and university students are organized in our country by the TRNC Civil Defense Organization Presidency, and various institutions and organizations.