The Importance of Standardization in Consumer Protection
On October 14th World Standards Day, Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Dean, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yeşiltaş stated, "With the industrial revolution, the necessity of standardization has come to the fore, with the transition to mechanization and mass production, the importance of standardization continues to increase today."

Prof. Dr. Yeşiltaş pointed out that there are basic and universal consumer rights according to the 1985 United Nations Universal Declaration of Consumer Rights, and stated that it is important to establish national and international standards regarding these rights for consumers, enabling them to use these rights correctly.
Underlining that goods and services produced should not threaten the health and safety of consumers, Yeşiltaş said that international standards contribute to the safe purchase of goods and services to be made by the consumer, both in their own countries and in other countries.
"Non-standard goods and services are difficult to compare"
Yeşiltaş stated that national or international standards will provide consumers the opportunity to accurately compare the goods and services they are to purchase, enabling them to choose the most suitable for them, “because non-standard goods and services are difficult to compare. If manufacturers produce standard goods and services, it will be easier for them to track and maintain quality. Consumers will also have the opportunity to access quality goods and services”.
Stating that international standards will contribute to both producers, consumers and the country's economy, Yeşiltaş said, "If we want both ourselves and our children to live in a beautiful and healthy world, international standards should be accepted in all countries and the implementation of the standards should be followed up."