The importance of the United Nations
Cyprus International University (CIU), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations Instructor, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sinan Evcan, stated that the United Nations (UN) organization was established on October 24, 1945, in order to protect world peace and security, and to ensure an international economic, social and cultural cooperation. Evcan also pointed out that the organization has carried out successful missions with this purpose in the past, but that only 5 countries have veto rights, and that these countries have not yet shown diplomatic successes that may prevent many critical wars from occurring from time to time.

The most important diplomatic achievement…
Pointing out that the UN is an organization that many citizens connect hope to, especially in Cyprus, Evcan said, "If the Annan plan, which was developed by the UN in 2004, had been approved, it would have been one of UN’s greatest diplomatic achievements in history".
World Peace…
Assist. Prof. Dr. Evcan stated that it is everyone's wish for the UN to be successful in today's world, where conflicts and civil wars are still taking place, and said, "In order for this to happen, the countries represented in the UN must adopt world peace as a common value without any interest."
Reminiscing that Atatürk had many statements on this subject, Evcan continued as follows: “As Atatürk stated, even if the discomfort experienced anywhere in the world doesn’t even touch them slightly, it is through the virtue of perceiving the discomfort as their own that peace may be possible. Also, collectively adopting the idea that the best national interest is the common good of the world, may be the key to the future success of the UN. "
Reminding that last year during the framework of the United Nations Day celebrations activities, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkey Irene Vojáčková-Sollorano reminded of Atatürk's notion; of peace at home, peace in the world, Assist. Prof. Dr. Evcan went on to say, “If there is discomfort somewhere in the world, we should not say, what is it to me? If there is such a discomfort, we should deal with it as if it is happening among us ".