Information Security Technology Undergraduate Program was opened
Student admissions for the Information Security Technology (English) Undergraduate Program at Cyprus International University (CIU) for 2019-2020 Spring Semester started.

As a result of the Internet usage which is increasing every day, the information security problem has emerged, consequently, Information Security Technology undergraduate program has gained great importance, said the Director of the School of Applied Sciences and Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yaratan.
Also, he drew attention that institutions and countries have developed policies and strategies against threats of information security. The undergraduate program aims to minimize situations where information security is threatened, improve the existing security systems and identify vulnerabilities in systems.
Prof. Dr. Yaratan recalling that the Internet usage has become a part of our lives with the rapid development and expansion of Information Technologies: “Today, new concepts such as cloud operations are in use. This has been allowing institutions and companies to transfer information and communicate using these networks.”
Speaking about the program, Yaratan mentioned that the students of the program will also be given information on information systems Security, cryptology, network security, and database security and added: “Through the program, we will provide our students with all the knowledge and equipment they need to take on an innovative role in the research and development of new technologies”.
Students will be educated as professionals who can contribute to the science globally, continuously improve their knowledge, can use advanced analysis and analytical thinking, have information on accurate and practical solution methods, are successful in human relations, creative and serve the community in line with international requirements.