
It has emerged that reorganization of public areas is required, due to the Covid-19 epidemic

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts Design and Architecture Vice Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cemil Atakara stated that due to the fact that epidemics such as Covid-19 can be experienced in the world again, according to the foresight of scientists, he continued, “In this context, it has emerged that there is a need for the interior architecture and open areas of public spaces, to be reorganized”.

Stating that transformation will be inevitable in areas that have a high population, Atakara went on to state, “For example, in an existing public area building that has a single door for both entrance and exits, making an entrance and exit with different doors in accordance to the new standards, will, in turn, reduce the risk of the virus spreading. In addition, if these doors are designed as transparent doors with visibility, it would enable people to measure distances”.

Explaining that in the planning of main spaces, another issue that needs to be re-evaluated is the location and capacity of common areas, Atakara elaborated that if possible, it would be beneficial to increase internal gardens in existing buildings and expand the use of balconies and terraces.

Highlighting that another important point is in relation to the selection and use of materials, Atakara continued, “As it is known, the virus has the ability to attach itself to surfaces. For this reason, it is necessary for surfaces to be designed that are easy to clean, with compact details”.

Adding that it is necessary to think about ventilation systems, especially in internal locations, Atakara went on to state, “Due to the fact that the virus has the characteristic of being able to live upon surfaces, and due to the fact that air travels from the bottom upwards, means that it is possible for the rate of transmission of the virus to increase. It is for this reason that the direction of the ventilation should be directed from the top down”.

Explaining that shopping malls are planned more as areas for wandering around, Atakara stated, "After the pandemic, establishing a specific schedule and organization for enabling movement in one direction, will eventuate in the reduction of contact in this internal space”.

Expressing that in an effort to integrate users with nature, it may be possible for them to move out of the city after the pandemic, Atakara went on to say, “Due to ease of transportation, people prefer to live in the city. However, it has been seen that most work can be done from the home environment, especially in some occupational groups. Opportunities have emerged for those who can work in this style to find housing that is far from the city”.

Pointing out that there will be a demand for individual spaces in many public spaces, Atakara concluded, “In this context, while new buildings are being built, in this sense there will be the need to maintain social distancing and enlarge these spaces. Especially when it comes to the construction of figures and geometric designs, architects will have a great responsibility”.