
It is important to recognize the right to compassion, love, care, free education, and security for all children, all over of the world

CIU Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education Chair, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarem Özdemir, speaking within the context of 1st June, World Children’s Day, expressed that it is important to recognize the right of all children across the world to compassion, love, care, free education, and security, to an equal degree, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, nation, or social origin.

Reminding that the idea for International Children’s day was developed in 1925, during the World Conference for the Well-being of Children, in Geneva, Özdemir went on to say, “Based on the necessity for there to be a special day where children’s problems are shared, the world country authorities declared 1st June as International Children's Day. Therefore, since 1st June 1954, it is accepted within the world public opinion as a day aiming to increase the welfare of children all over the world, by the United Nations.

Stating that despite having come to 2021, children all over the world face different problems, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir elaborated, "For example, today 1 out of every 4 children are employed as workers in undeveloped countries".

Highlighting that despite it being a crime against humanity, marriages under the age of 8 are being tolerated, Özdemir added, “Especially in Africa, more than 35% of women are married under the age of 18. In addition, about 115 million males were married under the age of 18 in the world”.

Explaining that in every country, millions of children are exposed to emotional, sexual, and physical abuse, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir noted that a child dies every 7 minutes due to adult neglect.

Reminding that the data in question can be examined under different headings, Özdemir concluded, "However, regardless of the subject, it should not be forgotten that children are human, and it is important to establish a structure that embraces every child with love, in the effort for a brighter future".