
Journalists’ role in raising public awareness

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Communication has released a congratulatory message on the occasion of January 10th Working Journalists' Day. 

CIU Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Aytekin İşman stated that January 10th  Working Journalists Day is not only an opportunity to commemorate the work and efforts of journalists but also to emphasize the importance of the profession.

Releasing a statement on the occasion of the "Working Journalists Day", which has been celebrated since January 10th , 1961 when the "Law No. 212" that provides some rights and legal guarantees to the press workers in Turkey was published in the Official Gazette, İşman said, "The purpose of this special day is to emphasize the importance of journalists and to appreciate their work.” 

İşman stated that journalists’ strife on behalf of the citizens to ensure they receive information which is one of the most important principles of democracy is an extremely important and sacred duty. These journalists often access information under difficult conditions and share this information with the public in an honest, fair and impartial manner.

Drawing attention to the importance of multivocality, İşman said, “Journalism can make the voices of people with different views be heard; it is not one-sided but multi-dimensional and when its multi-vocal, that is the most ideal journalism.”

Dean İşman reiterated that journalism is a very powerful and effective profession all over the world and pointed out that journalists who are charged with roles such as shaping the society and forming public opinion, have the responsibility of playing an important role in raising public awareness. 

To conclude, İşman emphasized that the profession of journalism is not only one of the most difficult, and dynamic professions but at the same time requires selflessness.  He congratulated the January 10th Working Journalists' Day of all the journalists who selflessly fulfill their duties and feel deep connection and sense of purpose in accomplishing their tasks.