
Lawyer Begüm Gürel Met with Young Lawyers at CIU

The Law Club that is within the Social Activities and Student Clubs coordinate, affiliated with the CIU Student Development and Counseling Center, organized the “Lawyers Professional Development Seminar”, where the importance of technology within the field of law was illustrated within the scope of the event.

The talk that took place at the CIU Çevik Uraz Center Conference Hall, was organized with the aim of informing lawyers of the future of the problems they may face in their occupation, how to be a good lawyer, and to inform them in relation to informatics within law.

Stating that in order to be a successful lawyer today, it is important to keep up with technology, Lawyer Begüm Gürel highlighted that abroad, the use of informatics in law and artificial intelligence has become widespread within legal offices.

Stating that the National Judicial Network Information System (UYAP) facilitates the litigation processes of proceedings, Gürel underlined that teaching courses on the use of UYAP across the universities in the country would be beneficial.

Explaining that in order to be one step ahead of your colleagues in the field, it is necessary to have a good grasp of the issues that clients can bring and that this means it is necessary to obtain information in almost every field, Gürel concluded, "Your duty is to ensure justice by advancing on the path of law and to enlighten your clients".