A Love of Books is Important for Children
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education Department of Elementary Education, Preschool Program Assist. Prof. Dr. Belgin Parlakyıldız, speaking within the scope of "World Children's Books Week said, "If we want the world to take an egalitarian, safe, productive and sustainable progress route, it is inevitable to work and organize events on the love of books and awareness of creating a library."v

Reminding that individuals acquire a wide variety of information from their infancy to the end of their lives, Parlakyıldız said, “They learn this information through observation, hearing, seeing, researching, reading and so on. The most effective and useful of these is the communication established with books”.
Books effect world perspectives
Assist. Prof. Dr. Parlakyıldız also drew attention to the importance of the inclusion of books in the life of a child, starting from the period after birth, and said, “Clear and concise messages bestowed on the child with books affect the child's worldview and stance”.
Reminding that the child is a whole with their family and that the family is a role model for the child, Parlakyıldız said, “Therefore, children should be introduced to activities that enable them to enjoy books before learning to read and they should be encouraged to create mini libraries in their own rooms.”
Assist. Prof. Dr. Parlakyıldız also said that sensitive educators and conscious parents should strive to bring children together with books and raise awareness about library usage hours, and “in order to reach a creative, innovative, entrepreneurial, qualified and contemporary society that is at peace with itself, let's open the doors to books.”