Managing your lifestyle during COVID-19
Huriye Koruşan, expert psychologist from the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Centre of Cyprus International University (CIU) stated that everyone faces a new lifestyle due to the coronavirus, and it is important to plan many responsibilities at home as close to the daily/weekly routines as possible.

The specialist Psychologist Koruşan mentioned that it is essential to determine a workspace and inform the family members about the working hours, and she recommended that people should “focus on one task as much as possible, creating a daily/weekly calendar including working, exercise and resting hours”.
It was pointed out that being in contact with friends, can increase motivation and "keep track of accurate information from reliable sources limiting the news that make you feel stressed and anxious, weakening the immune system,” said Koruşan.
It is stated that people's perspective and description of events is more important than the situation, and people can shape their feelings by changing their thoughts or behaviors by directing the thoughts to things they can control.
Emphasizing the importance of focusing on the solution and what can be done instead of the problems, Koruşan suggested “turning your negative internal conversations such as I cannot do it or cannot succeed into positive. Unlike perfectionism, try to do your best in this process which you have not experienced before”.
Drawing attention to the benefits of taking time to feel good, rest, and relax while preserving social isolation, Koruşan said: “give place to humor in your life. Watch funny videos, listen to songs that make you happy, dance, relax with breathing exercises, and meditation. Allocate time to enjoy activities that contribute to your development”.
Koruşan mentioned that remembering subjects in which an individual was previously successful, looking for alternative methods, reading success stories are also motivating. In addition, she expressed that all these approaches have encouraging for people.
It was pointed out that individuals may turn towards some negative behaviors due to anxiety and stress: “alcohol, substance abuse, overeating, ignoring situations, withdrawal, and overreaction may occur. If you have difficulties, ask for help,” reminded Koruşan.