Fine Arts

More energy is used for heating due to inadequate building insulation

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture Vice Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cemil Atakara, reminding that we have really felt the wave of cold air in the recent days, advised that the buildings in our country experience heat loss due to them not having inadequate building insulation, building shell related problems, and design-based problems in terms of the buildings form and orientation.

Adding that a building having insulation allows for that building to be heated or cooled with less energy and to retain this heat for a long period of time, Atakara went on to say, “Energy efficiency is the aim of reducing the amount of energy that is required within a building. In this way, the amount of energy that is required for a building will be reduced”.

Explaining that with the drop in temperatures, we feel the need to utilize heating devices at higher capacities, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atakara stated that some of the heat is lost in the atmosphere due to inadequate insulation.

Atakara stated that heating is a need and that in this context, highlighted that there is a need for state politics, and elaborated, “It is necessary for legal arrangements making energy efficiency certificates obligatory in buildings to be made and put into effect”.

Advising that in the event that such regulations are put into force, the analysis and data evaluation necessary in order to increase the energy efficiency of existing structures should be made, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atakara shared the information that “Energy efficiency within buildings means less fossil waste, reduced operations of power plants, less carbon emissions, and serious savings within the state economy”.

Emphasizing that in the short and medium term, via the means of state incentives, building energy identity certificates should be encouraged and implemented, Atakara informed, “Most of our buildings are manufactured with plaster upon brick walls. The joinery systems that are used mostly do not have insulation”.

Advising that roof and walls, in particular, do not have the necessary thermal insulation, Atakara elaborated, “There are a number of apartments that only face the north. We can find hot water systems being used even today, which are attempted to be used indoors but are heated outside with electrical energy”.

Explaining that the implementation of building energy identity systems should be made immediately, Atakara continued, "Via the means of government incentives, existing buildings should also be analyzed, and energy efficiency should be ensured within a short time period of time”.

Pointing out that in every building that will be licensed, building identity documents should also be sought, Atakara concluded, “With the changing climates and the effects of global warming, the thought that there is no cold in Cyprus is no longer a realistic one. If we design our buildings wisely, we can live in comfort”.