Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as a political and military figure
Cyprus International University (CIU) is holding an online seminar as part of the 10th November Atatürk Memorial Day. The seminar that can be followed by anyone who wishes to, will be held by the CIU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Academic staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Samani, where he will discuss “Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as a political and military figure.” Details of the seminar can be followed on the CIU Social Media pages.

Military and political genius
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samani, on the 82nd anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's death, drew attention to his political and military personality, and emphasized that it is more important than ever before to correctly explain the Anatolian struggle for independence under his leadership and the revolutions he carried out to establish a modern Turkey. Reminding that Mustafa Kemal organized a resistance movement in Anatolia, where the imperialist states occupied and parceled the land to their sphere of influence after the First World War, which lasted for four years, Samani went on to say, "organizing and activating the society could only be possible with a military and political genius like Mustafa Kemal."
The foundations of Modern Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samani reminded that Mustafa Kemal was trying to organize the Anatolian resistance movement on the one hand, and on the other hand he fought against the Ottoman Sultan and his government, who had raised the flag of surrender with the Treaty of Sevres.
"Despite all of the difficulties, knowing that the War of Independence would only be possible with the participation and sacrifices of the public, in 1920 Mustafa Kemal succeeded in winning the War of Independence, which was opened in and run under the administration of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Ankara.”
Noting that Mustafa Kemal is the man of the age, Samani explained that he was successful in bringing to life his project of creating a modern nation and nation-state that he had aimed, revealing its basic principles clearly.
Explaining that Atatürk established the modern Repblic of Turkey where the foundations are based upon a free secular state and a secular society understanding free from religious rules, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samani emphasized that the Turkish Cypriot youth should embody Atatürk’s principles and revolutions and the Turkish youth, and internalize the secularism with great passion and maintain this effort.