
“A necessary test in determining COVID-19 patients”

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Pharmacy Vice Dean and Molecular Microbiologist Assist. Prof. Dr. Ender Volkan Çınar, explained that the news published on social media in relation to the United States of America Center for Disease Control (CDC) not separating the flu and COVID-19 and thus, has banned PCR tests, is based on completely unfounded information.

Stating that with the upcoming flu season, the CDC has suggested to experts that a multiplex PCR method be developed that will be able to find both the flu virus and SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is the cause of COVID-19, Çınar went on to state, “The aim is to be able to locate both the flu virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus with one test”. Explaining that this would be advantageous both in terms of the financial aspect and in saving time, Assist. Prof. Dr. Çınar advised that the public should not believe content with incorrect information and they must continue to routinely have their PCR tests done.

Informing that PCR tests are sensitive tests, Çınar pointed out that it is a necessary test to determine patients with COVID-19 and those who carry the virus without realizing it.

Reminding that those individuals whose test results are positive are determined with PCR tests, and they later go into isolation, Assist. Prof. Dr. Çınar continued, “Due to the fact that isolating individuals means that the spreading of the virus is eradicated, PCR tests carry an importance in the protection of societal health”.

Emphasizing the importance of being vaccinated as well as not believing incorrect information, Çınar concluded, “Get vaccinated and even if you are vaccinated, continue to protect yourself and your environment with masks, distancing, and hygiene. The vaccine not only protects you, but those around you, and in terms of social health it is a social responsibility”.