
New Year gifts for students from the CIU Library

The Library Club within the Social Activities and Student Clubs Coordinate that is affiliated with the Cyprus International University (CIU) Student Development and Counseling Center, together with the Library Directorate, is giving out gifts to students while going into the new year.

Explaining that within the scope of the New Year’s activities, they wanted to surprise the students with gifts that were prepared by the Library Directorate, CIU Library Supervisor and Library Club Advisor Özlem Araz advised that students who wish to receive a gift can get one from the library entrance or from the stand that is set up in the Student Center.

Araz advised that with the distribution of books, they aim to make the students experience the excitement of the New Year, and continued to say, “We want to experience the enthusiasm of the New Year with our students. I also believe that with the gifting of books, we will also contribute to the intellectual development of our students”.

Reminding that due to the COVID-19 pandemic that was experienced across the world, the students were away from the library for a certain amount of time, Araz concluded, “Via the means of activities that we have organized on different themes, we aim to be in contact with our students again”.