
A number of studies have reached the conclusion that COVID-19 has effects upon pregnant individuals

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine academic staff, Prof. Dr. Barlas Aytaçoğlu, stating that the observation and studies that were performed in relation to the effects of COVID-19 infection upon pregnant individuals prior to 2021, did not produce net data, went on to advise “However, the observations performed from the year 2021 have produced a lot of evidence that COVID-19 has important effects upon pregnant individuals, such as premature birth, caesarian, preeclampsia, and even intrauterine deaths”.

Explaining that a scientific article was published in July 2021 where 28 studies have been examined which analyzed 15.524 pregnant females who were diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 infection, Prof. Dr. Aytaçoğlu advised that the abovementioned studies concluded that it was observed that there was an increased risk of preeclampsia within pregnancies which normally would not have a risk of preeclampsia under the normal conditions.

Reminding of another study that was published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases in December, which included 2,655 pregnancies that were documented as having the SARS-CoV-2 infection, Aytaçoğlu advised, “It was put forth that there is a two to three times higher risk of having a miscarriage, cesarean section, clinician-initiated preterm delivery, fetal growth retardation, and postpartum hemorrhage”.

Stating that during pregnancies, lung involvement is especially experienced in severe COVID-19 infections, Dr. Aytaçoğlu went on to state, “In expectant mothers, who are carrying a baby in their womb and their diaphragms already being pushed up, with the added effects of lung involvement, it can be the cause of much more respiratory distress for these mothers, who are already experiencing respiratory problems from time to time”.

Aytaçoğlu added that there is a high increase in the metabolic needs of pregnant women and especially of people with diabetes and/or obesity and noted that these problems can lead to oxygen deficiency and naturally negatively affect the baby.