Obesity - one of the most important health problems of today
Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Cyprus International University (CIU) explained that obesity is one of the most important health problems of developed and developing countries today.

Obesity happens when body weight rises above the desired level according to the height due to the excess body fat mass ratio to lean mass. It also constitutes the infrastructure of diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart diseases, hypertension, gout, fatty liver, cancer.
Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik reminded that maintaining a healthy life and balancing the energy intake with energy consumption is necessary: “Adipose tissue constitutes 15-18% of body weight in adult men and 20-25% in women. If this rate rises above 25% in men and 30% in women, it creates obesity.”
The most common measurement for obesity is Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference measurement: “BMI is calculated by dividing body weight (kg) by neck square (m²). This value is independent from age and gender,” said Mehmetçik.
Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik pointed out that the energy balance is disturbed in cases where energy intake is more than consumption, and people, who consume high-fat food, feel the desire to eat without feeling full, therefore, they store more energy than necessary.
Various types of behavioral changes, as well as physiological, psychological, genetic, medical and endocrine may also cause obesity. Thus, diet and regular exercise are considered as treatment for obesity.
Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik also noted that it is important to change to a more active lifestyle to prevent obesity.
If a person gains weight due to metabolic problems, it is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist and to have medical treatment in such cases.
Prof. Dr. Mehmetçik added that obesity surgery can be done for patients who have a body mass index of 35 or above and cannot lose weight by methods such as medical nutrition, exercise and medical treatment under the supervision of a specialist.