
The Omicron variant is more common across the younger population and children

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Medicine Education academic staff Prof. Dr. Banu Elçin Yoldaşcan, stating that according to the latest statistics, it has been observed that the Omicron variant has widely spread, and that the risk of infection is higher than before, also noted that it has also been observed that this variant is more common among the younger population and children, according to research conducted in various countries.

Yoldaşcan explained that it is not possible that Omicron is being selective and aiming for children, and went on to say, “However, as this variant is highly contagious, it is increasing more rapidly across the 5-11 age group, particularly in closed and crowded areas”.

Advising that the younger population are naturally more active, Yoldaşcan noted that as a result, the risk of carrying the virus to their parents is higher.

Also stating that another reason as to why the virus has displayed a rapid increase in children is because currently the vaccination rates across children are not at the desired level, Yoldaşcan added that the wearing of masks and maintaining social distance rates among children is lesser, and that contact occurs much more in crowded areas such as schools, thus increasing the risk of transmission.

Reminding that should the schools remain closed, it would lead to great losses for the children in terms of education, Yoldaşcan underlined that in order for the schools to remain open, it is necessary for both the society and the authorities to fully apply every form of protection from the illness.

Yoldaşcan explained that authorities such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the United States Food and Drugs Association (FDA), and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have authorized the Covid-19 vaccination of children age 5-11, and that the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that BioNTech vaccine is safe for children aged over 5, and also stated that a number of countries such as Israel, United States of America, Canada, and Italy to begin with, have begun vaccinating children within the 5-11 age group.

Noting that a smaller dose is given to children from the dose which is given to adults, Yoldaşcan continued, “10 micrograms of the BioNTech vaccine has been authorized. This is one third of the dose that is given to those aged 12 and over”.

Looking at the data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in relation to BioNTech vaccinations carried out from 3rd November – 19th December 2021 upon the age group 5-11, Yoldaşcan advised that following the second dose, that light side effects were observed, such as pain at the site of the injection, weakness, and headache.

Underlining the fact that in terms of vaccines and prevention, it is the responsibility of every section of the society, Yoldaşcan concluded, “With only the vaccination of children, it would be wrong to impose this responsibility upon children, and wrong to view this as a way out of the pandemic”.