Parents behavior when faced with stress affects children
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education Academic Staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağla Gür, stated that many parents have expressed that they are under stress due to the uncertainties and financial losses they have experienced due to the Covid-19 process. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağla Gür gave information about what can be done to cope with stress.

Expressing that individuals exhibit reactive behavior when under stress, Gür also noted that accordingly escape/avoidance strategies can be frequently encountered. Indicating that these approaches are not healthy methods in problem solving, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gür went on to say, “In addition, these behaviors reflect negatively on family communication and the psychological state of the child”.
Children do not feel safe when with constantly nervous parents
Underlining that it is not possible for children to feel safe in the presence of parents who are constantly tense, displaying reactive behavior, shouting and are ready to explode, Gür said that this causes the child to worry that the family unity may break, or that they may be left alone.
Reminding that a tense environment also makes the child restless and anxious, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gür said, “Children also get stressed due to feelings of uncertainty. Some situations such as wetting the diaper, withdrawal, or an increase in the frequency of reactive behaviors in the child can be observed”.
Informing that the existence of the escape-avoidance strategy applied in the family will teach a child not to take responsibility, and to escape somehow rather than taking problem-solving measures when faced with a problematic situation, Gür elaborated that in addition, spousal support during difficult times, the taking of measures to eliminate confusion no matter how small and making problem-solving plans are regulations that will help children develop the ability to control stress.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gür pointed out that this process is a difficult process laden with uncertainties and concluded, "However, it should not be forgotten that while this process is temporary, what children learn in terms of their life skills are permanent".