
Pay attention to children’s use of technology during the term break!

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education Teaching Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Cahit Nuri, drawing attention to children’s use of technology during the term holidays, stated, “The reason for the use of technology during the holidays is very important”.

Reminding that technology is a tool for obtaining information, Nuri went on to say, “For children, one of the biggest aims of the holidays is technology. However, unlimited use of technology during the holidays carries the risk of addition”.

Stating that extreme use of technology has not yet been identified as a behavioral disorder, Assist. Prof. Dr. Nuri elaborated, “However, the inability to limiting use, continued use despite the fact it is damaging both social and academic lives, the feeling of extreme anxiety when access to the device has been limited, and with symptoms such as use of the device over increasing periods of time, is becoming a behavioral addiction”.

Nuri pointed to the fact that the time children use on the internet is taking them away from social and academic activities, and continued, “It can also cause a risky situation in terms of physical diseases, due to inactivity and the disruption of daily habits”.

Explaining that when it comes to the use of technology, it is necessary to define daily times of use in accordance to the child’s age, Nuri advised that children should not use the internet alone.

Informing that when compared to other children who are not exposed as much, on a ration, children who spend too much time with technology are more likely to suffer from learning difficulties, attention deficit, and hyperactivity, Nuri stated that it is for this reason that the duration of time and the content of technology use should be paid attention to.

Noting that especially children between the ages of 0-3 should be kept as far away from technology as possible, and that the child should be offered activities to spend their time with that is apart from technology, Nuri expressed that spending time as a family, sports, or artistic activities would be beneficial.

Nuri advised that it is necessary for parents to initially review their own habits of technology use and added that it is possible for children to have this type of addiction if they have parents who are addicted to technology.

Nuri added to his statement that for children who spend a lot of time with technology during their daily life and who overreact when the technological device is to be taken from their hands, it would be beneficial to seek help from a child-adolescent psychiatrist.