Pay attention to nutrition during winter
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics Department Chair, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağ, stated that with the cooling of the weather, changes in our diet are observed during the winter season, and explained that this situation causes increases in body weight.

Stating that a general increase of food consumption with high fat and sugary content is noted during with the arrival of winter, Dağ went on to say, "unwanted weight gains are experienced due to the decrease in physical activity, while spending too much time in front of the television and snacking on food".
Emphasizing that an adequate and balanced nutrition is important for the protection of health during the winter, Dağ said, “The following that are found in four food groups; "Milk and dairy products, meat, eggs, legumes and oilseeds, bread and cereals, fruit and vegetables, should be consumed sufficiently."
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dağ informed that seasonal fruits and vegetables, known to be rich in antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamins A and C that strengthen the immune system should be consumed, and stated “At least 3 servings of fruit and 2 portions of vegetables, including green leafy vegetables which are rich in vitamin E, increasing body resistance against colds and other forms of infections, dry legumes and oilseeds such as hazelnuts / walnuts, should be consumed."
Dağ reminded that attention should be paid to the consumption of fat, and said, "Margarine should be avoided and excessively fatty meats should not be consumed”.
Fish are important for the protection and development of immunity
Dağ stated that the omega 3 fatty acids in fish are particularly important for the protection and development of the immune system, as it contains vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and iodine minerals, so consuming it 2-3 times a week would be beneficial.
The consumption of whole grain products, such as whole meal bread, pasta and bulgur should be preferred instead of sugar and sugary foods noted Dağ, who also advised, “Milk desserts or fruit desserts should be preferred instead of high-energy pastries”.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dağ explained that the consumption of dried legumes and whole grains with fiber content 2-3 times a week is also important, in the prevention of digestive problems and constipation due to inactivity.
Emphasizing that maintaining a balanced body temperature is also important for health, Dağ said, “It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. Every day a minimum of 2-2.5 liters of water should be drunk, and within the liquid intake, drinks such as linden, sage, rosehip tea and light tea should be preferred also”.