Physiotherapy and rehabilitation in patients with COVID-19
Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Özalp, the Head of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Cyprus International University (CIU) stated that COVID-19 is a highly contagious respiratory infection that causes respiratory, physical and psychological dysfunction, and it is important to apply a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation on important issues related to the disease, such as isolation, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Özalp pointed out that more detailed information about COVID-19 is reached in adults day-by-day and the accumulation of clinical experiences and physiotherapy and rehabilitation are important in the management of this epidemic. "Pulmonary rehabilitation is an important physiotherapy and rehabilitation approach that can be applied in patients, who are infected with and recovered from COVID-19," she said.
It was stated that with pulmonary rehabilitation the main goal is to reduce the symptoms of shortness of breath, anxiety, and depression; to improve/protect physical function; to prevent complications that may develop; and to improve the quality of life for patients in hospital due to COVID-19. On the other hand, it was also emphasized that pulmonary rehabilitation is not recommended for patients with a severe course of the disease.
Upon identifying the patients who are suitable for pulmonary rehabilitation, in the light of the evaluations made by physicians and close follow-ups; respiratory exercises, airway cleaning techniques, positioning, mobilization and physiotherapy methods can be applied and for those who are isolated due to COVID-19 are offered services them via remote consultation using training videos, and printed visual materials.
The multidisciplinary approach has gained importance with the increasing need for health services due to the COVID-19 outbreak noted Özalp and added that pulmonary rehabilitation, which is one of the physiotherapy methods in this regard, is among the important practices in improving health conditions.