Health Sciences

“Policies to promote healthy aging”

Cyprus International University (CIU) School of Health Sciences Department of Nursing Lecturer Prof. Dr. Feray Gökdoğan stated that the scientific and technological developments experienced today have led to an increase in the average life expectancy and hence an increase in the number of the elderly, and said, "However, the aging process has brought with it many problems that need to be resolved in psychological, social, cultural and economic dimensions."

Gökdoğan said that despite the increase in the dependent population ratio in the society, the productive population ratio is gradually decreasing, and hence “Meeting the health, shelter, work, income, nutrition, transportation and rehabilitation needs of the elderly creates significant problems, especially in countries with limited resources.”

Prof. Dr. Gökdoğan  pointed out that there are many common social problems faced by the elderly, such as “lacking better living standards, poverty and low income, changes in social security policies, the increase in the number of elderly people living alone, unsuitable housing conditions, reductions in family care, signs of aging in the elderly population, problems such as negative opinions toward aging and difficulties in accepting positive roles among the elderly.”

Stating that the problems faced by the elderly are generally caused by the social, economic and cultural policies and practices of the country they live in, Gökdoğan noted that the phenomenon observed today has ceased to be an individual problem and has turned into a social problem.

Gökdoğan stated that the problems faced by the elderly either decrease or increase according to the social policies implemented by the countries, social security laws, in short, their understanding of a social state, and noted that for this reason, importance should be given to "old age policies" that will produce more precise solutions against the social, cultural and economic difficulties prevalent in