
Problem of the modern world: Insulin Resistance

Cyprus International University (CIU) Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Güldal Mehmetçik noted that insulin resistance is defined as a pandemic of the modern age and is seen in one out of every four people.

Mehmetçik stated that insulin resistance first causes elevated blood glucose levels
 and then diabetes, and said, "Insulin resistance is also responsible for hypoglycemic episodes."

Mehmetçik pointed out that while it is very easy to gain weight due to insulin resistance, it is very difficult to lose weight, and added, "It raises blood pressure, can cause cardiovascular disease, and it also disrupts sleep, strains memory, causes  sweating, and makes individuals irritable and angry."

Mehmetçik also drew attention to the latest research, and warned potential risk holders by saying, "According to the results of the research, it was concluded that insulin resistance is associated with childhood obesity and some cancers, and unfortunately, many people live unaware of their insulin resistance."

Mehmetçik, who noted that the amount of insulin secreted from the pancreas increased, stated that over time, the biological response of the liver, fat and muscle tissue deteriorated and the secreted insulin started to not work.

Insulin is secreted primarily in response to glucose due to the increase in the amount of carbohydrates taken in the diet, while other nutrients such as free fatty acids and amino acids can augment glucose-induced insulin leading to deterioration in the liver, fat and muscle tissues and thus the insulin secreted signifies nothing. 

Mehmetçik also stated that the pancreas produces even more insulin when the secreted insulin becomes useless, and this causes the insulin level to increase continuously. She also explained that this increase, together with high blood sugar levels, creates an environment for the formation of chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension and the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls known as atherosclerosis.

Mehmetçik said that the HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance) index is the insulin resistance determined by calculating the blood glucose and insulin test performed on an empty stomach.  "In addition, it is important for people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome should  have their insulin resistance levels measured," she pointed out.

Mehmetçik emphasized that insulin resistance is a condition that definitely impairs the quality of life and said, "When it is diagnosed early, the formation of important chronic health problems such as diabetes and heart diseases can be prevented, and weight control can be achieved with regular nutrition and physical activity."