Health Sciences

Proper nutrition and regular exercise prevents diabetes

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Acting Chair and Cyprus Turkish Dieticians Union President Dr. Dietician Ayşe Okan, speaking within the scope of 14th November, World Diabetes Day stated, “According to the International Diabetes Federation’s prediction, by the year 2040, one in 10 adults will have diabetes. Therefore, the healthcare expenditures made for Diabetes-related diseases will exceed 802 million USD”.

Reminding that individuals suffering from diabetes fight to balance their blood sugar levels, Okan explained that when it comes to diabetes, there are two important points, and they can be ordered as having a healthy diet and activity.

Advising that a healthy diet is a basic step in the control of diabetes, Okan went on to say, “If you are an individual struggling with diabetes, when it comes to the balancing of your blood sugar levels, you need to be well-informed on all the subjects relating to food and diet”.

Drawing attention to the fact that every individual has different metabolic speeds and lifestyles, Okan added that for this reason, the diets of people with diabetes can be different according to their lifestyles.

Okan explained that in the nutritional plan prepared for people with diabetes, the basic point is to maintain the blood sugar levels at a normal level, and gave some advice in achieving this.

Pointing out the importance of choosing vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, green beans, and molehiya, which are higher in fiber content, instead of starchy foods when preparing meals, Okan continued, “Reducing the consumption of refined grain products, such as white bread, pastries, table sugar, white rice, and white pasta, instead we should prefer to eat whole wheat food products”.

Also emphasizing the importance of making preferences between natural foods that can be consumed without peeling, instead of processed foods, Okan advised, "Take care not to consume foods containing only carbohydrates".

Stating that you should consume legumes 2-3 times a week, Okan also advised that consuming fish again at least twice a week is important.

Expressing that we should especially be avoiding the visible fats of meat and foods containing too much-saturated fat, Okan went on to state, "Meals should definitely contain foods that are a source of protein".

Okan added that in order to protect yourself from diabetes, as well as a healthy diet program, that a regular diet is also important, and continued, “Do not stay hungry for too long and do not skip your 3 meals a day”.

Explaining that diabetes is a chronic disease that can be controlled by proper nutrition, Ayşe Okan elaborated, “Proper nutrition and being in a healthy weight range keeps diabetes away”.

Pointing to the importance of exercise as well as a healthy diet in her statement, Okan concluded, “Make exercise a part of your life”.