Read books to your children
Cyprus International University Library Directorate recommended books for book lovers with the idea that reading will contribute to both health and personal development.

Reminding that it is scientifically proven that reading books strengthens memory, provides comfortable sleep, reduces stress, and increases concentration, "also, reading books sharpens intelligence, increases imagination and let us meet unknown cultures," said Gülten Sala Lay.
Drawing attention to the importance of parents reading books to their children, Lay reported that, according to recent studies, children whose books were read by their parents differed in terms of behavioral characteristics and academic performance compared to other children.
Most read books of 2020
Gülten Sala Lay stated that the books on the most read list of 2020 and the most read recently released books on the list are: “My Sweet Orange Tree - Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos, Hiçbir Karşılaşma Tesadüf Değildir - Hakan Mengüç, Animal Farm-George Orwell, The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho, Circe-Madeline Miller, Historical Development of the Turkish Cypriot Education System and Decisions of Education and Education Policies -Salih Sarpten, Bir Ömür Nasıl Yaşanır - İlber Ortaylı, Dipsiz Kuyu - Çağla Konuloğlu, Blindness- Jose Saramago, See Me- Akilah Azra Kohen, Ben Bedia Okan - Neriman Cahit, 1984-George Orwell, Fahrenheit 451 -Ray Bradbury, Akıllandım Artık Şimdi Daha Deliyim- Nilgün Bodur, Zamanın Aşkı- Gürkan Uluçhan, Hayat Cesurlara Torpil Geçer-Bircan Yıldırım, Hayır Diyebilme Sanatı-Müthiş Psikoloji, İçimizdeki Şeytan- Sabahattin Ali, Camdaki Kız-Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu, Güçük Prens - Kıbrıs Türkçesi- Antoine de Saint-Exupery.”
Recently released books
Lay, who also made suggestions about the new books, continued as follows: “Gün Işığına Çıkan Gizli Duygular-Damla Günay Demirel, Kibrit Kutusundan Çıkan Adamlar- Özkan Yılmaz, Russian Nights- Vladimir Odoyevski, Marta Oulie, Novel of a Betrayal- Sigrid Undset, Sevgili Agnes - Hakan Nesser, Mechanics- Ian Tregillis, Rookie- Monica Mccarty, Efsun Ve Yorgun Kuta-Hamza Hamamcıoğlu, Adem Olmak--Izzeddin Arı, Kelebeğin Sevdası - Erol Yıldız, Konstantiniyye Oteli-Zülfü Livaneli, Kasırga Ve Yaprak -Dilşad Fırat, Anneler Ve Kızları - Mustafa Yaşar Dilsiz, Yoldan Çıkan Hikayeler -Hasan Eren, Roads to Us- Rachel Cohn, David Levithan, One day absolutely-screenplay-Yılmaz Güney.