
Regular exercise positively affects cognitive functions

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Sarem Özdemir, stated that physical activities affects the brains capacity to develop and its cognitive functions at an important rate, and went on to state, “During the summer months we are in, especially children and youths should be active, and even if it is light exercise or for a short period of time, they should exercise daily, as this is important in an effort to increase their quality of life”.

Explaining that due to the pandemic experienced during the past 2 years, children and youths have adopted a life that lacks activity, Özdemir reminded that especially children and youths have made technological gadgets and the internet the center of their lives.

Noting that that this type of sedentary lifestyle not only negatively affects fitness or causes obesity, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir added that it also negatively affects mental functions.

Drawing attention to some works carried out in the last 20 years, (Kramer AF, Erickson KI; Hillman CH, Erickson KI; Kramer AF; Semmle) Özdemir informed that in these studies, after activities that required physical activity, a significant increase was observed in the participants muscle-mind coordination, academic skills, analytical thinking, and mathematical-logical thinking skills.

Referring to a study led by Hillman in 2009, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özdemir added that data was achieved indicating that even light exercise affected mental skills positively, at a significant level.

Sharing the results of research that was performed where 10-13-year-old students were made to walk for 10 minutes prior to sitting a test that requires logical thinking, Özdemir advised that it was observed that when comparing those who walked with those who didn’t walk, the walkers were able to gather their attentions better and achieved higher results.

Advising that families should approach this subject in a much more informed manner, Özdemir pointed out that not just children and youths, but individuals of all ages, even if it is light, should exercise on a daily basis, as it strengthens the cognitive processes.