Rules to be followed in terms of drug use in the treatment of diseases
Osman Özdemir, Professor of Pharmacology from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Cyprus International University reminded that there has not been any medicine or vaccine in the market yet for the treatment of COVID-19 which is causing pandemic and deaths all over the world. Efficacy or safety tests have not been completed in vaccine and medicine development until now although the studies started immediately and these studies will continue for a while.

It was mentioned that a treatment algorithm is determined for the diseases caused by this virus based on the treatment results and examples in China. It was also stated that the treatment in question was arranged according to the symptoms and the clinical findings of the patient.
In his explanations, Prof. Dr. Özdemir also explained that American Medicines and Food Administration (FDA) acknowledged that the licensed medicine named REMDESIVIR could be used in the treatment of COVID-19.
It was emphasized that it is the wrong choice for the people to use the drug based on the articles in the social media. The drug is only given upon the diagnosis made by a physician, and it should not be forgotten that every drug has side effects.
It was also pointed out by Özdemir that in social media there is some information that certain groups of drugs used in the treatment of hypertension has a role in the progression of COVID-19, and there is not sufficient clinical data on this subject and patients with the chronic disease must not exclude the drugs from their regular treatment without consulting their doctors.
Prof. Dr. Özdemir advised that to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, measures suggested for people by the World Health Organization and the relevant authorities should be fully complied and added "these recommendations will have a great effect in preventing the spread of the virus," he said.
Pharmacies are the first contact points in the health system where people can access the correct information they need in the spread and prevention of the disease said Özdemir. He also explained that during this process, pharmacies should possess medicines and medical supplies needed, inform the public and provide consultancy services, direct patients to health institutions when necessary, and fulfill their duties as stakeholders of the infection control process.