
The rules of establishing a career at a young age were discussed at CIU

The event, “The Golden Rules of Establishing a Career at a Young Age” was organized at Cyprus International University, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, where Chucky’s Garden Kitchen Chef and Director Ibrahim Kızıltaç, shared his experiences with the students.

At the event that was organized online due to the Covid-19 precautions, Kızıltaç explained that he had worked in many areas of tourism, and that he had opened his own restaurant when he was just 17.

Stating that he chose this profession when he was 14-15 years of age, upon the recommendation of his father, choosing this department in high school and commencing in it, Chef Kızıltaç went on to say, “I worked in many branches in tourism. Due to the restaurant I had opened, I began to receive experience in the kitchen”.

Expressing that during a period when the concept of gastronomy was unknown, he suddenly found himself studying culinary arts, Kızıltaç stated that losing his restaurant was a turning point for his future and his career.

Pointing out that success and being unsuccessful are two phenomenon’s that complete one another, chef Kızıltaç continued “Young chef candidates should never give up. In order to be successful, it is important that they set themselves goals. They should strive to reach their goals, without ever getting tired and bored”.

Explaining that being a chef has both advantages and disadvantages, Kızıltaç stated that people’s holidays are the days that they work. However, if an individual works in this occupation lovingly, they can make sacrifices and be successful”.

Emphasizing the importance of work discipline to succeed in becoming a kitchen chef, as in all branches of work, Kızıltaç highlighted that the phenomenon that establishes the first step in a career is discipline.

Explaining to the young chef candidates that he experienced many difficulties during his entire career life, Kızıltaç went on to say, “It will be especially difficult to agree with businesspeople who do not know the trade. Generally, in our country, businesspeople open restaurants because they have money, however their skills in this trade are insufficient. Additionally, in our trade you must work long hours. You cannot have much personal time”.

Kızıltaç stated that young chef candidates should especially claim their own cuisines, values, ​​and culture, and concluded, "Even if they have established a career abroad, it is important that they still have a command of their own culture."