Soil has vital importance
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Dean, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır, speaking within the scope of 5th December World Soil Day said, “Soil is vital. For this reason, it is the first natural entity that needs to be protected”.

Stating that soil generally has many components, Baktır informed that “with inorganic and organic substances first of all, air, water and microorganisms are soils indispensable components”.
Noting that land is also our homeland, Prof. Dr. Baktır said, “The lands lost in wars can be regained somehow. However, the regaining of soils lost by erosion is out of the question”.
Informing that soil layers with a depth of one centimeter was formed between 500 and 10,000 years ago, depending on bedrock and environmental conditions, Baktır went on to say "Again, considering that millions of microorganisms live in a cubic centimeter of soil, it turns out that soil is more than life for us."
Baktır pointed out that if stubble is burnt, millions of creatures are burnt with it, and elaborated “As our famous poet Aşık Veysel stated, soil is our faithful favor. Earth is like mother: it is giving and protecting”.
Stating that today soil is misused, abused and polluted, Baktır said, “soil is completely unforgiving and takes revenge. We see this striking situation in our daily lives. If this irresponsibility continues in this way, our land will become unusable and striking hunger will appear before us”.
Indicating that soil is alive and dynamic in terms of structure Prof. Dr. Baktır reminded that "When we disrupt the dynamics of soil, it is inevitable that we will encounter irreversible disasters."