
Statistical institutions contribute significantly to the production of knowledge

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Academic Staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan Rüstemoğlu, speaking in relation to Turkey Statistics Day, stated that they contribute to the production of knowledge by collecting data in the key areas of health, economy, population, environment, energy, and transportation in Turkey.

Explaining that the main mission of the Turkey Statistical Institute, by paying attention to the needs and the priorities of the national and international users', is to provide and present for use statistics that are at international standards and are of quality, current, reliable, consistent and unbiased, Rüstemoğlu said that as well as this, that it is also important that in terms of the institutions that they cooperate with during the process of the production of the data in question, that they continue to work with determination and stability in order to ensure the continuation of this cooperation.

Emphasizing that it is important to collect statistics via impartial, accurate, and realistic approaches, Assist. Prof. Dr. Rüstemoğlu went on to say, “In the preparation of countries 5-year development plans, data is of great importance”.

Reminding that the fight against Covid-19 continues, which has affected the entire world, Rüstemoğlu noted, “In order to better observe the effects of the process and in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, the statistical production process should continue without interruption. This is because with the pandemic process, the regular collection of statistics has gained even more importance”.

Stating that in Northern Cyprus, primarily the State Planning Organization collected the statistics, Assist. Prof. Dr. Rüstemoğlu reminded that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Statistical Institute was established from May 2019.

Noting that the institute has a very short story of establishment, Rüstemoğlu explained that data was collected in variety of fields, such as Consumer Price Index (CPI), Employment and Unemployment, Population and Demography, Gross National Product, Agricultural Statistics, Construction Statistics and Workplace Statistics.