Economics and Administrative Sciences

The students of the CIU Business Club made a technical trip to the STONITE stone production factory

CIU Business Club students made a technical trip to the Stonite stone production factory.

During the technical trip that was supervised by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences academic staff Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehrshad Radmehr Hashemipour, the students had the opportunity to examine all the stages of the production of marble within the factory environment.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hashemipour stated that during the technical trip in question, the students obtained information in relation to the structure of the company, production and operation, marketing process, accounting, and the customer profile.

Adding that as well as being present during the production process, the students were also present within the laboratory while quality control was being performed after production, Hashemipour explained that in terms of their occupations, the students having the opportunity to examine the process of the product testing stage is important.

Explaining that throughout the trip, the Business Club students were in communication with the STONITE personnel, Hashemipour noted that the students also obtained information in relation to the exporting process of the products to Turkey, Europe, and other countries in the area.

The Business Club Academic Supervisor Hashemipour expressed that the technical trip was an important experience for the students.