Health Sciences

Students who were successful within their internships were presented certificates by the CIU Vocational School of Health Sciences

The First and Emergency Aid program and the Dialysis program which are both located within the CIU Vocational School of Health Sciences, organized a certificate ceremony.

Prof. Dr. Salih Angın, Director of the Vocational School of Health Sciences, stated that there are new occupations, and that the previously popular occupations have now lost their importance, and went on to say, “Occupations that are related to health will continue for a long time. This is because as long as humans exist, so will their health problems. When health problems happen, intervention is a must”.

Pointing out that professions vary according to requirements, Angın noted that following technological developments is the most important factor in providing convenience when the profession is being performed.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Angın reminded students that when they graduate from university, their education will not come to an end, and continued to advise, “In actual fact, the important part of education will be just beginning”.

Drawing attention to the fact that there is a lot to learn from experienced individuals in the field, Angın went on to state, “You would have all probably observed this during your internships, by developing new methods and information, you carry out your work more effectively”.

Dr. Ipek Nurdan Dikmen, who is the manager of the Dialysis Program, stated that they organized the event in order for the students who successfully completed their internships to receive their certificates of appreciation, and also advised, “We congratulate our students who successfully applied the theoretical information that they obtained during their lessons, into the practical field”.

Expressing that it was a difficult period of time in the 2020-21 education year due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, Dikmen added that the practical applications that are within the education process continued during this period.