Fine Arts

The subject of loving and protecting the interior design occupation was examined at CIU

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture (FFADA), Department of Interior Design organized an event on the subject “Loving and Protecting the Interior Design Occupation”, where Dr. Münevver Özgür Özersay came together with students.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Department of Interior Design Chair Prof. Dr. Sevinç Kurt stated that the goal of this organization was to bring the academic and professional world together, while advising that such events will continue next semester.

While having a sincere conversation with the students, Dr. Özersay touched upon the importance of perception upon inside spaces, admitting that as a child her favorite place was Rüstem Kitabevi. Elaborating further, Özersay went on to say, “I really lost myself within books. I felt safe and at peace around books”.

Emphasizing that her thoughts in relation to inside spaces were greatly effected by her father, Dr. Özersay continued, “My father taught me to look at everything I read from a political framework. Because each author has a different point-of-view, and these point-of-views of course made me feel lonely in terms of society, people, and space”.

Stating that designer entrepreneurship is important, Özersay advised that loving and practicing interior design as a profession are two completely different things.

Debating the concepts of defense, loving, occupation, and Interior design in her speech, Dr. Özersay admitted that the thing she loved the most in the interior design occupation was renovation, and while adding that in our era this must be done appropriately, she went on to state, “There is no better example of going into something existing, with the motive of making it better and improving it, in the context of maintenance and care”.

Expressing that architects are more fortunate than interior designers, Özersay stated sincerely, “In actual fact I am an architect, however I am probably an anti-architect. We have to create everything from zero. There is much more responsibilities and risks involved”.

Speaking about the difficulties of teamwork, Özersay reminded of the difficulties with relation to working with both a customer focus and caring for your workers.

Adding that the current students are the future leaders of the field of Interior Design and occupation, Özersay concluded that the students need to muster their courage, as there is a lot of work waiting for them.