Subjective Well-Being Psycho-Education program starts
The Subjective Well-Being Psycho-Education program, organized for mothers with a 3-6-year-old child, is going to take place in cooperation with Cyprus International University (CIU) and the Anti-Drug Commission within the body of Prime Ministry, Kyrenia, and Değirmenlik Municipalities.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çağla Gür, the faculty member of the CIU Faculty of Education giving information about program training, noted that the training will be given on “Being a Woman and Mother”, “Strategies for Changing Negative Emotions and Taking Different Perspectives”, “Problem Solving in Family Relationships”, “Effective Communication and Time Management”, “Positive Behavior Development and Art of Happiness.”
“Discussion on why and how the brain structure has changed”
Indicating that the thing that affects people the most is the way of thinking, Gür said, “Our way of thinking changes the structure of our brain and increases our quality of life. Therefore, I will explain why and how our brain structure has changed during the first session. ”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gür pointed out that the topics such as structuring thinking, strategies to take different perspectives, effective communication in the family, and time management will be explained, and also subtitles such as what can be done for negative behaviors, re-framing technique and commodore technique for effective learning will be included.
Stating that the content of the training is flexible in her statement, Gür added that at the end of each session, a need analysis will be done with mothers and new topics will be added to education in line with these needs analysis.
“We aim to give mothers different perspectives”
A faculty member of the Faculty of Education, Assist. Prof. Dr. Şerife Özbiler also stated that subjective well-being is about the balance between the positive and negative emotions of the person, how the individual evaluates her/himself, and how much satisfaction s/he gets from his life. The starting point of this project is to enable mothers to gain different perspectives on the events.
Explaining that the training for mothers will take 4 weeks, Özbiler said that the education will include issues such as the role of women as spouses, mothers, women, family relations, how to turn their negative feelings into positive. Özbiler stated that those who want to attend the training should register on 0539 108 11 91 by July 27 and informed that the training will start on 8 August.