
Themes of birth and death in children’s literature were discussed at CIU

Cyprus International University (CIU) Turkish Club, connected to the Coordination for Social Activities that is located within the Student Development and Counseling Center, organized an event titled Themes of Birth and Death in Children’s Literature.

The event that was held online due to the Covid-19 precautions, children’s book author and academician Dr. Merve Yılmaz Canöz discussed the themes of birth and death via children’s literature texts.

Drawing attention to the fact that there is an incorrect perception prevalent that children's literature is an educational tool, Canöz reminded that the basic function of the texts in children's literature is not to educate children.

Stating that children's literature is also a product of art, Canöz went on to say, “When reading a text in adult literature, we are not reading it for the purpose of learning, this is not our concern. We should also base children’s literature on artistic features”.

Using the expression “no material can teach the things for children to love, and teach them as well as children’s literature”, Canöz advised that this learning is established via intuition and can be affective or cognitive.

Explaining how during certain ages, especially during the preschool period, from the age of 2, children begin to ask how they have come to the world, Canöz noted that it is important for parents to tell them the facts.

Stating that children will one day emerge from their glass enclosures and will be faced with different traumas, Canöz continued, "But prior to our children encountering them, we should ensure they understand these concepts via age-appropriate children’s literature we have met them with, so they can make sense of it all”.

Stating that death should be explained in a very striking way, with all its reality, Dr. Canöz continued, “We cannot hide the truth from children. These are life facts. When we especially think of the age group, they will witness death”.

Explaining that birth has as much as a place in life as death, Canöz concluded that this is a reality, that everything continues to flow, and that life is still beautiful.