Health Sciences

Things to consider when performing physical activities in a cold environment

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Chair Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge Özalp, stating that in order to have a healthy body it is important to be active, added that when it comes to performing activities in the cold weather, there are important factors to be considered.

Expressing that in addition to physiological changes that increase the generation of heat and reduce the loss of heat, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özalp noted that when it comes to increasing the body temperature, dressing appropriately for the environment, being within a closed and warm environment, and performing voluntary muscle movements, are also beneficial.

Pointing out that with relation to the maintenance of body temperature, the temperature of the environment, humidity, and the wind speed where the activity is being held are all important factors, Özalp went on to say, “During exercises being performed within cold environments, in the event that individuals are unable to maintain their body temperature, their performance will decrease”.

Due to this, providing warnings in relation to the things to consider when exercising in cold environments and exercising outside in particular, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özalp elaborated, “Clothing that ensures the insulation of heat should be preferred, you should consume a lot of liquids, hats and gloves should be worn according to their suitability to the exercise, and it is beneficial to wear a windproof coat in windy weather, and a waterproof coat in rainy weather”.

Recommending the performing of warm-up exercises for 5-10 minutes, in an effort to adapt the metabolic activity of the body to the weather conditions and to also prevent muscular injuries, Özalp noted that stretching the large muscle groups at a mild to moderate intensity, or performing activities such as walking, is sufficient. Explaining that after warming up has been established, you can perform moderate intensity exercise (cycling, gymnastics and walking at a normal tempo) for 30 minutes, Assist. Prof. Dr. Özalp advised that for the following 5-10 minutes, a cool down program should be applied where the intensity reduces as time passes.

Özalp emphasized that an exercise session should be planned to last around 45-50 minutes, and went on warn, “The activities that the individual is to choose in accordance to their condition and any accompanying problems, should definitely be planned under the consultancy of a physiotherapist”.

Reminding that cold weather should not always be viewed as a disadvantage, Özalp concluded, “The body uses more fat layers as fuel, in order to create the effective body heat in cold weather. In this way, more calories are spent than those used in the physical activity performed in warmer weather conditions, when the same intensity and length of physical activity is applied in cold weather conditions”.