
Ukraine-Russia crisis has the potential to impact global tourism negatively

Cyprus international University (CIU) School of Tourism and Hotel Management Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan Uludağ said following the two year-long strict quarantine restrictions, there have been efforts and planning to revive the global tourism sector; however, Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine has the potential to disrupt this revival.

Reminding that the accommodation sector, tour operators, and airlines are all aiming to develop and grow, especially in the upcoming spring and summer seasons, but unfortunately, many countries have already started to experience difficulties due to the said crisis.

Dr. Uludağ reported that the European market has started to accept reservations for the spring and summer season but added that the emerging crisis between Russia and Ukraine will most possibly lead to a decline in the tourist flow.

Uludağ expressed his concern that thousands of tourists will have to reconsider in the upcoming weeks their international and mainly European travel plans.  Federal Aviation Association (FAA) has declared Eastern Europe a no-fly zone for US Airlines.

In addition to these, as England has decided to ban all Russian-Aeroflot flights to the UK, Russia did not delay in restricting all UK flights to use the Russian airspace.

Flights are now rerouted thus making them fly via other countries, but rerouting can cause the Air Transport Association to become blocked and that both air travel and travel plans might get affected.

The tour operators were so hopeful about the 2022 season but the crisis that has emerged has had a shocking effect.  The Russia-Ukraine crisis will not only disrupt tourism activities in Europe but also in other parts of the world.

The Middle East hosts thousands of Russian tourists every year. Destinations like Turkey and the TRNC that benefit most from the Russian market will have a hard time in tourist flow if the crisis continues. It is of great importance for this crisis to end soon so that tourism activities can go back to normal.