
Viral infections are again on the rise

Using a mask alone is not guaranteed to stop infections
Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr. Tuğçe Çay stated that masks are an effective method of protection especially against respiratory diseases, and that people who show symptoms of the illness or have the virus but do not show symptoms will prevent the spread of the disease to others if they wear masks. However, for a mask to be effective, it has to be of good quality, and has to be hygienic. 

Reminding that viruses are extremely small particles, Çay said, “For example, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is 60-140 nanometers in size. Therefore, it is increasingly important to take the necessary precautions by wearing high quality masks to protect ourselves against these viruses. 

Assist. Prof. Dr. Çay noted  that with the arrival of Autumn and the decrease in Covid-19 measures, there may be an increase in other viral respiratory tract infections transmitted by the same means, and that if masks are not used properly, they can become a serious pathogen nest instead of protecting the individual.  When  this is the case, the mask can make both the individual and his/her relatives sick. 

Explaining that the spread of a single or a few viruses are not enough to cause the disease, Çay said, “Although some studies provide data that even a single virus is sufficient for the transmission of the disease, most of the time, thousands of viruses must reach you in order to get sick.”

Assist. Prof. Dr. Çay stated that face mask use has different purposes.  Çay said, “They prevent not the viruses themselves, but the particles they carry, especially in the saliva and mucus droplets that gush during sneezing and coughing. Studies on this subject show that the use of masks can be protective up to 80%.”

On the other hand, she pointed out that using a mask for a long time has side effects. Çay noted that when a mask is worn for a long time, side effects such as nasal congestion, sore throat, sweating around the mouth, and shortness of breath may occur.

For this reason, it is important to change the masks frequently or to do breathing exercises without a mask when appropriate, and said that the use of masks in accordance with the standards reduces the harm and side effects of the mask.

Considering all the pros and cons of  wearing masks, it becomes apparent that the use of masks is more beneficial than harmful. Çay said, “However, although a mask is not sufficient on its own in terms of preventing viral infections, it can be said that it is effective in preventing transmission of cases or slowing their spread.”