
A visit to the strawberry fields in Yeşilırmak energized the CIU students

Cyprus International University (CIU) International Center organized a tour to the strawberry fields in the Yeşilırmak region.

Abdollah Mobaraki, the coordinator of the CIU International Office, said they organized such a tour in order to bring the international students receiving education at CIU and give them the opportunity to learn more about the country where they are receiving their education.

Mobaraki said there was a considerable number of foreign students from different countries, and stated, “CIU International Office is trying to bring our foreign students together. With the activities we organize regularly, our students socialize and get the chance to learn about the geographical beauties, culture and history of the country.”

Abdollah Mobaraki said that more than 250 students participated in the trip to Yeşilırmak strawberry fields and said, "Our students liked the trip so much that they asked us to organize similar activities in the upcoming days.”

Mobaraki stated that the students were literally stuck in closed areas due to their heavy course loads, projects and exams. For that matter time spent in open spaces in good weather conditions thanks to the activities organized by the International Office made the students feel happy and motivated.

Abdollah Mobaraki concluded by saying that the students while visiting the strawberry fields, they photographed the natural and historical beauties of the Yeşilırmak region, and played the musical instruments they brought with them and sang their own cultural songs making the trip an enjoyable one.