Health Sciences

What should we pay attention to in children’s nutrition during the months of summer?

CIU Faculty of Health Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics Department Chair, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dağ, advised that parents need to be more careful in relation to their children’s nutrition, with the coming of the summer months and with the increase in temperature.

Adding that with the quick increase in temperature, body temperatures have also increased, Dağ went on to say “During the summer heat, in an effort to protect children’s health, parents should pay attention to many points related to nutrition, the foods to be preferred, and even the amount of liquid consumed”.

Noting that children are specified as within risk groups and thus, as with every season, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dağ stated, “During children’s breakfast meal that is of the growing and developing ages, foods that are rich in iron, calcium, and protein, such as egg, milk, cheese, should be preferred. Seasonal vegetables such as tomato and cucumber and greens should definitely be included in this meal”.

Explaining that during the summer period it is necessary for children to have a variety of nutrition on their plates at every meal, Dağ advised that at every meal there should be meat (red meat, chicken, fish, egg, and legumes), milk and milk products (yoghurt, cheese, etc.), cereal groups, and seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Reminding that in the hot weather, loss of liquid is experienced due to sweating and children’s level of activity, Dağ stated that children’s liquid needs must be met throughout the day.

Advising that in the increasing heat, in an effort to prevent a sudden drop in blood sugar, instead of foods such as pasta, rice, and potatoes, foods such as bulgar wheat, whole wheat pasta, that are whole grain should be consumed, Dağ continued, “Also, as well as preferring foods that are non-oily and light, smaller portions will contribute to ensuring that children eat their food”.

Stating that during the summer months, children may experience loss of appetite due to the increase in heat, Dağ stated that it is necessary to have smaller portion sizes, and have more frequent meals.

Dağ advised that children’s junk food consumption needs to be placed under control, and warned that extremely sweet, salty, and oily foods that are consumed in an untimely manner throughout the day, can reduce children’s appetite.

In his statement, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dağ emphasized that in between meals, it is important to provide a variety of foods, such as mini sandwiches, dried fruit, oily seeds, (walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts, etc.), fruit, cucumber, and tomatoes.